Should You Bring a Towel to the Gym? Best Workout Towels & Benefits – Happy Faced
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The Benefits of Having Your Own Towel at the Gym

The Benefits of Having Your Own Towel at the Gym

Have you ever encountered a "sweat gremlin" at your local gym before? 

These unique specimens of humans never bring a towel to the gym, and the idea of wiping down their machines after use is a totally foreign concept.

We don't like sweat gremlins at Happy Faced.

We're sure you don't either.

For this reason, we recommend having your own sweat towel for gym sessions. 

A workout and sweat towel helps you to maintain personal hygiene, stay dry and remain comfortable while exercising. It’s also courteous while ensuring you avoid becoming a dreaded sweat gremlin yourself.

In this article, we dive into the various aspects of gym towels and provide our top recommendations for the best workout towels to bring along on your fitness journey.

The reality of shared gym equipment

Getting fitter, healthier and stronger shouldn't require you to take a tetanus shot before entering your local gym.

Unfortunately, purely because of the nature of public and private gyms, shared equipment can harbour bacteria and other germs.

This is why most gym-goers bring their own towel.

In fact, a study presented to the American Society of Microbiology found that 43% of Staphylococcus bacteria on university gym equipment were resistant to ampicillin while 73% were resistant to multiple other drugs.


Of course, the odds of catching an infection from the gym are relatively low… but they’re also not 0%. 

This is where a sweat towel for gym sessions comes in handy.

Why a gym towel is essential for workouts

A gym towel is the fabric barrier that blocks, protects and prevents direct contact between your body and gym equipment.

While it's easy to assume that you can just wipe down machines with the same towel, this is actually counterproductive and can spread bacteria. So the next time you consider hitting the free weights, chin up bar or bikes without a towel, think twice.

We've spoken with Happy Faced customers, from gym-going fanatics to absolute beginners, to understand what they look for in a sweat towel.

Here are the main benefits of having your own towel at the gym.

Hygiene and health

As we've mentioned, hygiene is a top priority when it comes to shared gym equipment.

Having your own towel ensures that you're not using someone else's sweat-soaked cloth or bacteria-ridden gym-provided towel. You can control how often it's washed, what it's washed with and how you use it.

The last thing you want when you've got an important meeting coming up, a surf, bike or camping trip or even a date is to be struck down by illness. 

You're going to the gym to become a healthier, happier you... and for that we're proud of your effort!

For it all to come undone because of another sweat gremlin and your own forgetfulness about a sweat towel for gym exercise is no bueno.

Comfort and convenience

Let's face it.

Sweating profusely during a workout isn't exactly comfortable. The dripping, the soggy clothes, the hair plastered to your boiled-lobster face. 

You can't feel sexy when you're a hot mess, which is where your own workout towel comes in.

A soft, supple and lightweight towel is ideal.

It absorbs sweat quickly, dries fast and doesn't take up too much space in your gym bag. You can keep it close by as you work out, use it to wipe your face or hands and then toss it in the wash when you're done.

And because you're using a quick-dry microfiber towel (you are, right?), you can wash it in the evening and have it dry and ready to go the very next morning. 

Now that's convenient!

Consideration for others

Nobody wants to share a gym with a sweat gremlin. Nobody wants to be the local gym's trademark sweat gremlin either.

Showing consideration for others by wiping down machines after use, using your own towel and keeping clean and tidy goes a long way in creating a welcoming and comfortable gym environment.

Plus, it's just plain courteous.

We live in a shared society, after all, and small gestures for other people invariably come back around in the form of good karma.

Be cool. Don't be a sweat gremlin. You'll be loved, adored and welcomed back by all.

Gym towel FAQ

Q. What are the best sweat towels for the gym?

Wondering what kind of towel to take to the gym? Wonder no more.

We've already conducted a deep dive on the history of microfiber towels, and these days towel technology far exceeds what our ancient forefathers had access to.

The Dawn of the Gym Workout and Gym Shower Towel is upon us! And it appears that microfiber is the preferred material for sweat towels.

Microfiber, which we've already established is an incredibly versatile material, has the qualities of being highly absorbent and quick-drying.

This makes it perfect for a sweat towel for gym workouts. 

You can use it to wipe off sweat from your body or machines and you don’t feel like you’re lugging away an extra couple of kilos in your bag.

Win, win, win!

Q. What size should my gym towel be?

When choosing a gym towel size, bigger isn't always better.

Happy Faced towels come in a few sizes for this reason.

Consider what you're actually using your workout towel for: you needn't reach for a king-sized bath towel when all you need is something to wipe off your face.

Compact, lightweight and quick-drying is the name of the game here, and our gym towels come in a range of sizes to fit your specific needs.

Q. Where do I put my towel when working out?

Wondering where to drape your gym towel when you're actually working out?

Leaving it on the machines isn't exactly a hygienic option, and there's nothing worse than trying to find a clean spot on the floor for it.

Many gyms offer towel racks or designated areas for towels, but if yours doesn't, there are plenty of out-of-the-way places you can hang your towel from.

Avoid the floor at all costs or you'll end up with a grubby towel that's barely even worth bringing to the gym.

Q. Is there anything better than a gym towel for wiping down machines?

One of the benefits to using your own gym towel is that it can be used, washed and reused again.

But for those of you not particularly keen on carrying your gym towel around with you all day (or even overnight), there are other options.

Many gyms provide wipes or spray bottles and paper towels for cleaning machines, but if yours doesn't, consider bringing along a pack of disposable disinfecting wipes.

These are great for wiping down machines before and after use and can be tossed in the garbage when you're done.

Q. Can I use my workout towel as a gym shower towel?

The truth is that you can do whatever you want.

Have a craving for pizza after your workout? Go for it. Prefer to do all your workouts while wearing one roller skate? You're the boss. Like to use your workout towel as a gym shower towel?

Well, that's up to you too.

It's not exactly hygienic to clean yourself using the same towel you've been sweating into. 

For this reason, we recommend bringing a separate towel for showering and using your workout towel solely for working out.

Q. What's the best workout towel for sports?

The best workout towel for sports is exactly like the best workout towel for the gym. 

It'll be one that's highly absorbent, quick-drying and compact.

Sports are typically high-intensity activities with lots of movement, so you'll want a towel that can keep up with you and your sweat levels.

Q. How do I care for my workout towel?

Check out our care instructions or simply treat them as you would want to be treated: with tender loving care and plenty of fresh air.

A quick wash in cold or warm water with a mild detergent and then hang to dry is all that's needed. 

Please avoid harsh chemicals like bleach or fabric softeners. Oh... and never iron your towel.

The Happy Faced wrap up

If you're asking yourself whether a gym-specific workout towel is worth the investment, the answer is a resounding yes.

You can stay looking your best and feeling comfortable. Prevent bothersome or potentially life-derailing germs, bacteria and viruses from impacting your plans. You'll also gain a reputation for being the cleanest and most considerate gym-goer around.

What's not to love about that?

We created Happy Faced towels as the ultimate workout towel after years of working out and coming across every sweat-related issue in the book.

Try our microfiber towels for yourself. 

We promise they'll save you from becoming a dreaded sweat gremlin.

Shop our anti-sweat gremlin towels today

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